To 10 amazing technologies in 2020

  The MIT Technology Review, a science journal published by MIT, has released an annual list of the latest technology innovations that will make a real difference in solving important dilemmas in 2020.

We will avoid overly appreciated tricks and innovations, and look for revolutionary creations that will actually change our lifestyle and work.

1. Unbreakable internet

The quantum physics-based Internet will soon enable the mechanism of secure communication in its nature. A team from Delft University of Technology is building a network that connects 4 cities in the Netherlands entirely using quantum technology. The messages sent over this network will be non-hackable.

2. Medical treatments with very personalized

New drugs have been designed to treat unique genetic mutations, which can revive hope for treating rare or terminally ill conditions.

3. Digital currencies

The spread of the digital currency has enormous implications for financial privacy. Last June, Facebook revealed a global digital currency called "Libera". And in October, Mark Zuckerberg promised to Congress that "Liberia will outperform the world," announcing the start of digital money wars.

4. Anti-aging drugs 

The first wave of a new class of anti-aging medicine has started its human testing stage. These drugs will not allow you to live longer, yet, but they aim to treat specific diseases by slowing or reversing the basic aging process.

5. Artificial intelligence detection molecules

The world of molecules that can be converted into life-saving drugs is mind-boggling, as researchers estimate their number to be more than the number of all the atoms in the solar system, providing almost unlimited chemical potentials if chemists can pick out those worthwhile.

6. Huge satellite groups

We can now build, launch and operate tens of thousands of satellites in orbit at the same time. Satellites can transmit broadband connection to Internet stations. As long as these stations have a clear view of the sky, they will be able to connect the Internet to any nearby devices.

7. Highly advanced Quantum technology 

Google provided the first clear evidence that quantum computing is superior to conventional computing and can tackle specific problems The most powerful classic supercomputers need thousands of years to solve, such as decoding or simulating the exact behavior of molecules to help discover new drugs.

8. High-precision artificial intelligence

Technology giants are working on new algorithms for an emerging generation of artificial intelligence chips specializing in mobilizing more computational energy in the narrowest physical spaces, and operating artificial intelligence with minimal energy.

9. Differential privacy

A technique for measuring the privacy of an important set of data. It is currently used by Apple and Facebook to collect aggregate data without revealing the identity of specific users.

10. Expose the consequences of climate change

Global warming often fuels more serious weather events. By separating the role of climate change from other factors, we can prepare for anticipated risks, and this helps us understand how to rebuild our cities and the infrastructure appropriate to a changing climate.

And at the end every day a new technology is appearing that may change the face of humanity. Let us wait for what the future holds for us . 

Thanks ,,,

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