The best 15 Tom Hanks films in his extra ordinary career

    Tom hanks is an American actor and producer who has had an stunning career in films, television and on stage. in this list we celebrate his life time achievements with some of his finest performances .

15.  Sully (2016)

   With the help of legendary director Clint Eastwood , Hanks in this true story played the role of the heroic airline pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger III ,  who landed his damaged US Airways Flight 1549 on New York’s Hudson river and got all 155 passengers and crew off unscathed, on what we called miracle on hudson , only later to suffer an investigation from the contemptible pen-pushers and corporate bean-counters. 

14.  Apollo 13 (1995)

     Space docudrama film tells the story of astronauts  Lovell, Jack swigert , and Fred Haise aboard Apollo 13 for America's third Moon landing mission. En route,  an on-board explosion deprives their spacecraft of most of its oxygen supply and electric power, forcing NASA's flight controllers to abort the moon landing , and turning the mission into a struggle to get the three men home safely.

13.  The Terminal (2004) 

    Comedy-drama film co-produced and directed by Steven Speilberg . this is the first co-operation between Hanks and Speilberg in our list . The film is about an Eastern European man who becomes stuck in New York's J F K Airport terminal when he is denied entry into the United States and at the same time is unable to return to his native country because of a military coup.The film is based on the true story of Mehran Karimi Nasseri in Terminal 1 of Paris-Chares de Galle Airport , France, from 1988 to 2006.

12.  Splash (1984)

      Fantasy  romantic comedy  film . The film tells a story about a young man who falls in love with a mermaid .

11. You’ve Got Mail (1998)

    Romantic comedy it tells the story of two rivals in libraries work and how they fell in love and live  an online romance  unaware the enmity between them . Highly recommended to make your day .

10. The Post (2017)

     The second one in this list which directed and produced by Steven Speilberg . It tells the true story of attempts by journalists at The Washington Post to publish the infamous "Pentagon Papers" .

9. Philadephia (1993)

       Besides i was born in this year, this was the year when Tom Hanks won his first Oscar philadephia is a legal drama It was one of the first mainstream Hollywood films to acknowledge HIV/AIDS , homosexuality , and homophobia . 

8. Saving Mr Banks (2014)

         Drama tells the true story behind the making of 1964 film Mary Poppins which involves Walt Disney to persuade author P.L Travers  to adopt her novel to a film .
7. Captain Phillips (2013)

   Biographical drama-thriller tells the true story of Captain Richard Philips and the hijacking of Maersk Alabama by somali pirates in the Guardafui Channel .

6. Cast Away (2000) 

            Survival drama tells the story of FedEx employee and how he survived on an uninhabited island  after his plane crashed on it , Hanks nominated for best actor in a leading role .

5. Big (1988)

   Fantasy comedy-drama one of my childhood films , which tell the story of a young boy who make a wish in a  Amusement Park to get  up next day and find himself adult and how to get younger again , Tom receives his first Oscar on this role .

4. The green mile ( 1999 )

            Fantasy crime drama  based on stephen king’s novel, tells the story of a death row correction officer during the U.S. Great  Depression who witnesses        supernatural  events that occur after a giant prisoner is brought to his facility . 

3. Toy Story (1995) / Toy Story 2 (1999) / Toy Story 3 (2010) / Toy Story 4 (2019)

 There is no list without Woody , this is a story of my childhood with Tom Hanks lovely voice and performance , toy story tells take place in a world where toys come to life when their owner is not there and tell the story of friendship between Woody and Buzz Lightyear .

2.  Saving Private Ryan (1998)

      Epic war film directed by Steven Speilberg  in their last cooperation in this list . Set during the Invasion Of Normandy in World War ll  ,  a squad had one mission got private Rayan back to his mother after the death of her other three children in the war , what an epic.

1.  Forrest Gump (1994)

    Comedy drama tells the epic story over the years of Forrest Gump a slow-witted but kind-hearted man who knows what love is , a remarkable role Tom deserves his second and last Oscar for what he done in this epic film .

finally this is my humble opinion if you have another one please let me know it , thanks .  

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